Let's be honest, after a long week of the daily grind busting your butt at work, there's nothing better than sitting down in front of your television (or phone depending on viewing preference) and transforming into a couch potato zombie for a couple of hours.


Everyone has done it before and we all have our favorite shows that even if we seen every episode multiple times, we still go back to them. Some of my favorite shows are currently airing on the History Channel and many of them have been on for multiple years. Shows like 'The Curse of Oak Island', 'The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch' and 'The Unexplained with William Shatner'. There's plenty of other shows I could name but one show sits above the rest...

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Ancient Aliens: Hudson Valley

That show is Ancient Aliens and it has been a staple on the History Channel for well over a decade, and they are currently in the midst of their 20th season so you can imagine my surprise when I recently watched an episode where the Hudson Valley became the center of discussion.

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Youtube-History Channel-Ancient Aliens

For those that didn't know it already, the Hudson Valley is one of these 'hotspot' locations and numerous reports have been made over the years and decades detailing specific sightings throughout the region.

Youtube-History Channel-Ancient Aliens
Youtube-History Channel-Ancient Aliens

The episode was from the season 19 episode 1 titled 'The Hotspot Connection'. The episode detailed and attempted to explain why certain locations on planet Earth during different times in history have been more likely than others to have UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) /UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) sightings.

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Youtube-History Channel-Ancient Aliens

Famous Sightings in the Hudson Valley

The episode focused on two documented incidents, the first was of an anomaly spotted numerous during the early 1980's near Kent Cliff's. Numerous residents were witness to some type of aircraft hovering in the sky.

Youtube-Ancient History Channel-Ancient Aliens
Youtube-Ancient History Channel-Ancient Aliens

The aircraft was described as being "as large as a commercial jet" and having a "V shape, moved slowly and makes no sound". This event would jumpstart a period of time where reports of this same object continued to come in from 1983-1986.

Youtube-History Channel-Ancient Aliens
Youtube-History Channel-Ancient Aliens

The second incident came directly from best selling horror novelist, Whitley Strieber. Strieber in the episode detailed his own personal experience much like he did in his famous book titled 'Communion'.

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Youtube-History Channel-Ancient Aliens

Strieber states one night he had woken up in the middle of the night, in a room that was unfamiliar to him and in the room with him were two kinds of figures. Strieber described one set of figures as "willowy with big black eyes" and the others as "dark blue short figures".

Youtube-History Channel-Ancient Aliens
Youtube-History Channel-Ancient Aliens

He then describes how at one point he heard a voice ask "what can we do to help you stop screaming?". In the moment, Strieber describes a state of shock as in his recollection of the event he didn't initially realize he was screaming.

Youtube-History Channel-Ancient Aliens
Youtube-History Channel-Ancient Aliens

The incident is described in the episode as being "arguably the most famous sighting in the Hudson Valley hotspot". With so many other reports and sightings in the Hudson Valley area over the years and decades, you never really know what might be in the Hudson Valley's skies.

Similar Stories: Cigar-Shaped Shaped UFO Reported by Resident Over the Catskills

You can watch the entire segment from the episode below.

The Top 25 Most Baffling UFO Sightings Reported in New York This Year

When residents of the Empire State spot something unexplainable in the skies, they report it to the National UFO Reporting Center. There's been about 80 new sightings so far in 2023 that raised a few hackles.

NUFORC does investigate what people saw to determine if they actually witnessed alien activity or something else. Oftentime, these reports turn out to be false flags. For example; someone from NYC reported seeing a strange, square-like object in the sky on July 22. They provided a photo to NUFORC, who then ruled the person saw an "advertising banner behind a private aircraft."

However, there have been several creepy reports that couldn't be brushed off with a logical explanation. And some of these reports had photo or video evidence attached.

Scroll through New York's top 25 weirdest sightings of 2023.

UFO Pics Released By the U.S. Government

See The 10 New York Cities Most Likely To Have Ghost Or UFO Sightings

Over the last few years, the discussion of UFOs certainly become a less taboo and more mainstream topic. Even government officials seem to be acknowledging sightings more frequently. Throw in ghost sightings, and there is just a lot of crazy stuff we just cannot explain. It turns out, the state of New York is a hotbed for these "supernatural" sightings. Since these sightings have been recorded, these are the 10 New York cities with the most supernatural occurrences according to Great Lakes Stakes. Including 2 in the Capital Region!

Gallery Credit: Matty Jeff

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