It is no secret that New York State has its share of wealthy people and you would need to have some decent cash if you get a ticket in a New York Work Zone. The message is to slow down and follow the lane changes but not everyone gets the message.

In my opinion, anyone traveling through a work zone at a high raid speed deserves a hefty ticket and maybe even their license suspended. To bring awareness to the problem of speeding through a highway work zone the New York State Police set up a program called Operation Hard Hat.

New York State Police Monitor Traffic in Work Zones

New York State Trooper
New York State Trooper via Facebook

The goal of this program is to embed a law enforcement officer into the work zone and let them set up to monitor for people who can't or won't slow down. One driver this year was caught doing 92 MPH in a work zone.

That may have been the fastest speed we observed but 57 other motorists were also ticketed for speeding through the active work zone. In just over four hours, a total of 75 tickets were issued to motorists. (New York State Police via Facebook)

More than 70 Tickets Issued by New York State Police

New York State Trooper
New York State Trooper via Facebook

The New York State Police posted to Facebook an update on the number of vehicles they have been able to stop and ticket. This past week a total of 57 people in just over four hours were issued tickets. A total of 75 tickets were issued to motorists.

The NYS Troopers are asking motorists to please pay attention to signage, be alert, and patient and put down their cell phones. Please be mindful of crews working along the roadways, treat them as if they were your family how would you want people to drive?

 Drive Carefully this holiday weekend.

8 of the Worst Roads for Bad Drivers in the Hudson Valley

The worst roads for bad drivers in the Hudson Valley.

Gallery Credit: CJ

Top Steak Dinner Restaurants in the Hudson Valley

Sometimes you just want to go out for a steak Check out this list of top Hudson Valley Steak Restaurants I put together for you. It will be delicious fun to work your way from Kingston to Rhinebeck then down to Hyde Park, Beacon, and over Newburgh then back up the road to New Paltz. Delicious steaks with mouthwatering sides await you at these wonderful Hudson Valley restaurants that serve steak.

Gallery Credit: Paty Quyn

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