Call me a dope, but I had zero clue about the dangers of the "hairy rope" you may see on New York State trees in the wintertime.

I'd Wanna Touch It

At the risk of sounding like a city boy who isn't very outdoorsy, I'm about to be honest with you: I have never seen this "hairy rope" looking thing on a tree, ever. Therefore, I would not know what or why I shouldn't touch it.

If I saw this on a tree, I would want to touch it; I might even make it a swing and go Tarzan-style.  This would be a bad idea, and here's the reason for that.

HAIRY ROPE ON TREE, Do not touch the hairy rope on a tree in New York, Poison Ivy in the wintertime, 518-news, 518news
A "hairy rope" on a tree in the winter most likely refers to a poison ivy vine, which loses its leaves during the cold months but still has a visible, hairy vine that can cause a rash if touched. Photo: NYS DEC.

It's Poison Ivy!

Plain and simple, it's poison ivy, and if I'm an idiot for not knowing, then so be it, but I found this helpful information.

According to the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation:

"In the winter, the poison ivy plant loses its characteristic leaves of three, but its vine, which resembles a "hairy rope," can still cause a rash if you touch it. Remember: "Leaves of three, don't touch me!" and "Don't be a dope, don't touch the hairy rope!"

Don't Be a Dope

I love the whole "Don't Be a Dope" message because it resonates with people like me, who are the dopes who want to touch, feel, play, swing, and even make a fake mustache with it.

Again, these are all terrible ideas.

Poison ivy can be a real mess if you're allergic to it, but not everyone is.  However, according to the NYS DEC, the "typical skin reaction of a rash appears up to 24 hours after exposure. In some people, the rash progresses to severe blistering and may require steroid treatment."

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