The American Red Cross urgently needs blood donations to combat a critical shortage. Join the Rock and Roll Up Your Sleeve Blood Drive at Stuyvesant Plaza on February 7, 2024.
It's that time of year again for the "Give a Pint, Get a Pint" program. Upstate New York is in dire need of blood donations. The American Red Cross has teamed up with Stewart's to give you a delicious reward.
The Albany area has many charities helping make a difference to help end hunger, feed the less fortunate, and bring joy to the many communities. It does not need to be a large donation, and it could be even donating your time; every bit helps.
Would you like to know once and for all if you really have coronavirus antibodies floating around in your blood, possibly protecting you from ever getting sick from the virus again?
The American Red Cross now faces a severe blood shortage due to an unprecedented number of blood drive cancellations in response to the coronavirus outbreak.
Get your free Q1057 and the American Red Cross Rock & Roll Up Your Sleeve T-Shirt when you donate blood to the Red Cross on February 19th at Crossgates.