You may have experienced fear or anxiety when you can't find your phone at your home and no is there with you to call it for you - or the dreaded "phone on silent" so you won't hear it ring anyways. These scenarios can cause a lot of stress on someone.
Well you are not alone and you might have what is called Nomphobia; the fear of being without a mobile phone. Over a fifth of the populat
If you are an AT&T customer and have enjoyed your unlimited data plan, than hopefully you have good memories of it. The company is going to start limiting data speed in order to maintain it's heavy volume of customers.
If you've been putting off getting a smart phone till the 4G LTE network has been turned on, you can finally buy your phone now. A "little bird" told me yesterday and it was just confirmed by a news story on the WXXA website, that the Albany area now has 4G service available.
AT&T was the first to drop unlimited data plans from their cell phone offerings, then Verizon followed suit. The next shoe has now dropped with AT&T now saying that they will throttle data speed on the top 5% of cell phone data users. So if you listen to Pandora at work or watch Law and Order on Netflix at the State Offices, you won't be for long.
I guess AT&T was getting sick at all the shots that T-Mobile was taking at them in their latest add campaign. So what better way to silence someone than buy them.
Everyone has been waiting to hear the secret that everyone already knows - the iPhone is coming to Verizon. I have an iPad and love it so I'm not sure if I would need an iPhone.