Your kids' favorite dog family starring Bluey is coming to the Capital Region in 2023 and tickets are on sale now! There are VIP packages available too for this fun stage show.
In case you somehow missed it (though it was all over the news and social media), the 'Simpsons' recently had an episode where it made fun of Upstate New York. It even hit close to home, with Niskayuna making an appearance as part of the episode...
When you take the movie "Frozen" and mix it with old Heisenberg Walter White here from "Breaking Bad" you get one of the best parody cross over videos on the internet.
The Live Read of Space Jam with Blake Griffin from Seth Green
When you get Ralph Garmin, Blake Griffin, Gerard Carmichael, The chick who played Topanga and Nick Kroll all sitting around reading the holy grail of animated basketball movies, you get an amazing video.
I don’t watch a whole lot of college basket ball but after seeing this video I think I might start. This animated version of went down in the NCAA finals is hands-down way better than what most likely actually happened.
I didn’t even know the finals were happening let alone who was playing in them...
This animated video narrated by the Iron Sheik is the best Iron Sheik animation story I’ve seen all morning. I feel like I can listen to Sheiky talk for hours.
Spongebob Squarepants is a total buzz kill! However, I can’t say I blame him. Someone had to step in and prevent these kids from making stupid mistakes.
Educational videos have their place in the work place. Most of are god awful and boring. However, this video from Australia, released by Melbroune Metro Trains, incorporates cartoon characters and death - yet makes it funny.
Finally there’s a way for me to sit down and enjoy some nice pornography while my nephew is in the room. It’s a little less sexy than “Nemo” but way more entertaining.