christmas music

How Was Your Holiday? (Video)
How Was Your Holiday? (Video)
How Was Your Holiday? (Video)
Another Christmas has come and gone, I got new socks, a new blanket and a bottle of whiskey, Did you get everything you wanted for Christmas? I also got 11 things from the good folks, here at Q103, it should of been 12, but I was late to the party...
Dan America Christmas Takeover (Videos NSFW)
Dan America Christmas Takeover (Videos NSFW)
Dan America Christmas Takeover (Videos NSFW)
I've always wanted my own Christmas Special, for the past 4 years, I have forced my Holiday cheer onto the public, by any means necessary, because I am American, and that is how we do it, in America! Remember that time I saved Christmas? Remember that time, Bob the 86er and I, saved Seth Rollins...
Q103 Presents: The 12 Days Of Christmas (Video)
Q103 Presents: The 12 Days Of Christmas (Video)
Q103 Presents: The 12 Days Of Christmas (Video)
The Q103, 12 Days of Christmas is complete, watch all 12 days in one video, because I took it, in the face, and on top of my head, for you, for America and for Christmas. The 12th day is a montage of all 12 days, but you can go back in time to see me get hit in the face, or beat in the head, even chocolate sauced, whipped creamed and feathered...
The 12 Days Of Christmas, Day 12 (Video)
The 12 Days Of Christmas, Day 12 (Video)
The 12 Days Of Christmas, Day 12 (Video)
On the 12th day of Christmas, Q103 gave to me, the end. The original plan was to have me sit in front of the drummer of Red Sun Rising, during his sound check, but I was running late because of traffic going north. I had missed my window, to sit in front of a drum kit, and have me ears blown out, for America and for Christmas...
The 12 Days Of Christmas, Day 11 (Video)
The 12 Days Of Christmas, Day 11 (Video)
The 12 Days Of Christmas, Day 11 (Video)
On the 11th day of Christmas, Q103 gave me oregano, but it was supposed to be "Pipers Piping," and now I would like to file a complaint. Although I enjoy sharing my gifts, from Q103 with all of you, there are 2 that I am upset about. "Ladies Dancing" I did not mind the glitter bomb, it felt kind of dazzling, but if someone asked me what would I rather get...
The 12 Days Of Christmas, Day 10 (Video)
The 12 Days Of Christmas, Day 10 (Video)
The 12 Days Of Christmas, Day 10 (Video)
On the 10th day of Christmas, Q103 got interesting, because they did not know how to give me "Lords a Leaping," Flounder & Dave came to the conclusion, that they would give me a special gift from Lemmy Kilmister, because Lemmy is God.   On the 10th day of Christmas, Q103 violated me with Lemmy's mole, I don't know why Flounder and Dave thought I needed the gift of being violated by L
The 12 Days Of Christmas, Day 9 (Video)
The 12 Days Of Christmas, Day 9 (Video)
The 12 Days Of Christmas, Day 9 (Video)
On the 9th day of Christmas, Q103 gave to me, a face full of glitter, instead of "Ladies Dancing." If the Rock Girl could dump feathers on my head after, DJ Supreme covered my head with chocolate sauce and whipped cream, we couldn't have her back to dance for me, instead of throwing glitter in my face...
The 12 Days of Christmas, Day 7 (Video)
The 12 Days of Christmas, Day 7 (Video)
The 12 Days of Christmas, Day 7 (Video)
On the 7th day of Christmas, Q103 gave to me, a full bottle of chocolate syrup, on my head, then some whipped cream, of course, then the Rock Girl dumped feathers on my head and beat me with a pillow. I know that they are supposed to give me 7 Swans-a-Swimming, instead of Swans-a-Swimming, but as you can see, there are no swans in this video...
The 12 Days Of Christmas, Day 6 (Video)
The 12 Days Of Christmas, Day 6 (Video)
The 12 Days Of Christmas, Day 6 (Video)
On the 6th day of Christmas, Q103 gave to me, 6 eggs, instead of "6 Geese A Laying," because if they hit me in the face with 6 geese, it would be messy, very messy. Just in case you silly folks, want to split hairs about it. 2 eggs were in the plate, that someone, so politely smashed into my face...

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