Talk about a good time gone wrong. According to experts, sex robots can run the risk of being hacked and even committing murder. Also- this is a thing?
I saw an article on Newsweek talking about this specific thing. Apparently, the danger isn't even just with full-fledged sex robots...
Kids don't always say the darnedest things. For the older generation that grew up with relics called record players and still think VCRs are the best way to watch movies, today's computers are to be feared, much like the prospect of another Paris Hilton album.
Stuck sitting at a computer all day? You knew we are here to help with audio stimulation via our online radio. But what about your eyes? Yes, our Babes page does wonders but how about if your eyes are fatigued? There's actually a simple solution
Ever since the days of the Mercury flights, there has been "Big Iron" at NASA. "Big Iron" is slang for a computer mainframe, capable of running millions of computations a second. But with the current computer age and the power in a desktop or even a laptop, for what NASA does, those mainframes just are not needed any more. So, they are unplugging the last one.