It looks as though Congress is closing in on a bill that would include up to a $1400 direct payment to most Americans by March. This is part of President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion Covid-19 relief bill.
Many of the details and plans have yet to be revealed but it appears as though Congress has reached an agreement on a COVID-19 relief bill. This news should give some comfort to those that find themselves unemployed due to the pandemic but is it enough?
Lawmakers only have one week before they leave on a planned month-long recess. If a deal isn't struck soon we'll be waiting until they get back from their month off before they would even start negotiations again.
With the government shutdown still going strong, even with glimmers of possible hopes for resolutions; Americans are becoming more and more dishearten with their choice of elected officials.
A new poll out shows just how "soured" our opinion is of the government and their lack of leadership.
We are now over a week in to the government shutdown and some think there is no hope in sight. Between the politics of each party and the childish bickering between members of Congress and the House, who wouldn't be fed up with this?
Many people have taken to social media to lay out their complaints about our present government, or lack thereof. But now there is a new way to help you get your mess