
The Fentanyl Crisis Is Threatening New York
The Fentanyl Crisis Is Threatening New York
The Fentanyl Crisis Is Threatening New York
The frightening drug fentanyl is claiming more and more lives every day when mistakenly thinking they are buying cocaine or heroin. Even more alarming is that this powerful narcotic is now turning up in unlikely places - like candy!
Man Gets Into A Gun Fight With Imaginary People While High On Meth
Man Gets Into A Gun Fight With Imaginary People While High On Meth
Man Gets Into A Gun Fight With Imaginary People While High On Meth
Mark King of Wolcottville, Indiana was found shooting up the inside of his own home because he believed imaginary people were trying to break in and steal his things, all while he was high on methamphetamine. WANE.com reports that police received a call on Sunday about a man who was yelling and swinging a broom handle around...

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