Black Eyed Peas singer Fergie and her actor husband Josh Duhamel welcomed their first child earlier today, a son they named ... Axl. And no, that's not a coincidence.
Is Fergie hot? Yes! Is she her face really Beautiful? I don’t know. When I see her on TV (like last night) I think she looks like Carmen Electra, and that’s beautiful and hot! But I was just looking at some other pictures of her and although her body rocks, I’m not really sure if she’s all that pretty. But her looks are not the question in this blog.
The Superbowl is finally here. Kickoff will be around 6:30pm. Who won the coin toss? Did they defer or not, whatever decision was made somebody bet on it and won or lost. Here is a look at some of the crazy things one could bet on for the Superbowl.