Student athletics are an important element to keep kids off the streets and out of trouble. The inability to afford equipment can be tough. Now you can help.
Here are seven famous football players and coaches who left their mark on the Capital Region, and followed that up with a Super Bowl title of their own.
Last week, three people were injured in a shooting after a high school football game in Newburgh, New York. The violence occurred in the parking lot after the September 30th game between Newburgh Free Academy and Warwick High School. According to Newburgh police reports at least five shots were fired. Now that shooting is impacting future sporting events.
Only 3 football games were on the Section 2 docket for a beautiful fall Saturday afternoon. All three games featured ranked teams. We have the remainder of Friday night's scores, plus a preview of next week's big match-ups.
Each week, the New York Giants award one coach the Lou Rettino High School Coach of the Week Award, and this week, a Capital Region coach has been selected.
Eight high school football players were suspended on Tuesday for their role in a fight that occurred near the end of a game on Friday night. The details and video of the altercation left some school administrators in "disbelief." The actions of one of the eight players will lead to more than a one game suspension.
As the first week of school was behind the students and the realities of the fall season began to sink in, fifty-two Section 2 high school football teams were preparing to play! There were 19 Friday night match-ups with another 7 on Saturday. For most programs, it was their first week of game action.
A NJ high school QB lost his mother to cancer in November, and had the game of a lifetime in her honor. NY Giants' QB Daniel Jones gave him the gift of a lifetime.
The transition from High School to college sports is never easy. In a normal year, only about 7% of kids who played football in high school end up playing in college. As we all know 2020 is anything but normal. So what happens in a year where the COVID-19 pandemic has shut down many high school athletic programs? How do you get the attention of coaches and recruiters? This is a real problem for many high school athletes right here in the Capital Region.
I played Football for Shaker, I am a finely-tuned ex-high school athlete and this time of the year reminds me of the smells I used to smell on the field, in the huddle and especially in the locker room, nothing brings back memories like blood, sweat, dirt and sometimes vomit.
A Vine was posted the other day by a Texas high school football player named Gary Haynes, who is hoping to take his football career to the next level.
In the short video, he tosses up a hail Mary, sprints down the field and then appears to catch the very pass he threw.