Pretty cool winter news!
A new interactive map is coming out with every public and private snowmobile trail in New York State. I saw this up at, but know so many snowmobilers that I had to write about it!
According to newyorkupstate...
Q103 proudly presents Rock'N Derby at the Schaghticoke Fair Grounds May 20-22. It's going to be a weekend full of music, demolition derby, and professional wrestling, and Dan America has your guide to survive the awesomeness of this awesome weekend!
We're pretty excited about all of the different events that are all part of Saratoga Beer Week and we don't want to miss a thing - but there was something missing - a map! We had one dream come true when we found a week full of beer and then the beer gods said 'let there be an interactive map' and ta-da there it was.
Californian artist and blogger Haley Nahman has created a map of the United States. Big deal right? Well it actually is, because her version of a U.S. map doesn't include names of states, capitals, rivers, mountains or anything else a typical map does. Her map is of stereotypes around the country.