These days Mike Tyson is everywhere. His latest gig is curing addiction. Not drugs or alcohol, but Angry Birds. I know that I got sucked into the game for a while. I couldn't stop playing. But with Mike Tyson's help I have finally kicked the habit.
It was painful to watch Mike "The Situation" Sorentino try and do jokes on last nights Comedy Central Roast of Donald Trump. You could hear crickets while he was talking and at one point they panned the crowd to see rapper Ice T with mouth wide open in amazement of his lack of funny. His jokes were bad, and his delivery was worse.
Looks like MTV might have to make a cast adjustment in the future for Jersey Shore because Mike "The Situation" Sorentino wants to go make it big in Hollywood.
Linkin Parks new album A Thousand Suns hit the shelves back in September and shot to #1 on the billboard charts. Now sales of the album have fallen on the wake of the band beginning their 2011 US Tour.