Judson Minear, 32, of Bedford, Penn. faces felony and misdemeanor charges along with 189 traffic violations coming from a police chase on Sunday. He drove through a front yard, through a red light, into a parking lot, and he ran over a street sign...
A traffic helicopter captured the entire adventure, and there was no word on if police were able to catch him.
NBC 4 reports that the suspect was wanted for a theft at a local Home Depot. The driver took police all around the city of Los Angeles before eventually pulling into a parking garage...
Skipping out on a tab is a horrible idea and considered theft. Skipping out on a $16 is just moronic.
Detroit's Marlon Cortez Stanfield thought he could just walk away on his tab at a Buffalo Wild Wings and the cops wouldn't do anything about it.
Live police chases. Here in Albany we really don't have to worry about them in person or on TV, not like those in L.A. I can't imagine almost every day seeing on TV another chase, let alone seeing it pass by my house.
YouTube user Jason Lee was watching the mayhem of a chase recently on TV as it when through Inglewood, CA and realized it was coming for his house.