
Arcade Sushi Fan Choice Awards 2014
We've opened the polls for voting, and now it's up to you, our faithful readers, to pick your favorites. Every category in the 2014 Arcade Sushi Fan Choice Awards has been collected in one convenient place. Check the categories and nominees, then cast your vote for the best of what 2013 had to offer.
Zombies Vs Gov't
Zombies Vs Gov't
Zombies Vs Gov't
With the government shutdown still going strong, even with glimmers of possible hopes for resolutions; Americans are becoming more and more dishearten with their choice of elected officials. A new poll out shows just how "soured" our opinion is of the government and their lack of leadership.
Digital Guy Jay Wears Pink, Like Most Chicks [PHOTO+POLL]
Digital Guy Jay Wears Pink, Like Most Chicks [PHOTO+POLL]
Digital Guy Jay Wears Pink, Like Most Chicks [PHOTO+POLL]
So I walk into the office this morning and run smack dab into our Promotions B^#@ch. She's wearing a lovely pink long sleeve paper thin shirt thing with a nice pair of blue jeans. After gaining my composure, cause come on, she's a very attractive woman I start telling her about an event I did over the weekend and how a certain live on location dude reigned supreme. Stay with me here.
The Trayvon Martin Case Or Star Wars?
The Trayvon Martin Case Or Star Wars?
The Trayvon Martin Case Or Star Wars?
I really hope I’m not the only person who immediately made this connection but I understand the chances are pretty good that I am. I walked into the break room today to see a stack of Metrolands sitting on the table. As soon as I glanced at the cover photo I automatically thought “oh man they have the scoop on the new star wars film...
Miley Cyrus Twerking Is Not Hot! [VIDEO]
Miley Cyrus Twerking Is Not Hot! [VIDEO]
Miley Cyrus Twerking Is Not Hot! [VIDEO]
I’m standing pretty firm on this one. I can’t find a single thing sexy about this video and I don’t understand anyone who does. Miley Cyrus stopped being hot when she stopped being forbidden fruit. Now a video of her on stage “twirking” (and I use that phrase lightly) surfaces and suddenly everyone thinks she’s the sexiest thing on earth...
Get Laid On Hump Day, Thanks To Craigslist [POLL]
Get Laid On Hump Day, Thanks To Craigslist [POLL]
Get Laid On Hump Day, Thanks To Craigslist [POLL]
Wednesday is here! Mid-week if ya will: It's Hump Day! You know, middle of the week get over the hump and all that jazz? So you know, I'm gonna spin this in a pure sexual way. I mean come on, I'm a dude and why the hell not? On to the Albany Area 'Casual Encounter' section of Craigslist...
Family Nearly Taken Out By Bad Driver + What’s The Worst Street To Cross In The Albany Area [VIDEO+POLL]
Family Nearly Taken Out By Bad Driver + What’s The Worst Street To Cross In The Albany Area [VIDEO+POLL]
Family Nearly Taken Out By Bad Driver + What’s The Worst Street To Cross In The Albany Area [VIDEO+POLL]
I have to tell you, it's tough being a pedestrian these days. Drivers could care less about your lack of protection or being when it comes to them getting from Point A to Point B. I feel like drivers are like 'hey bozo, get out of the crosswalk- I own the street'. Take for instance, Mom and Dad walking across the street.
Robbers Video Tape Themselves: Real Or Fake? [VIDEO+POLL]
Robbers Video Tape Themselves: Real Or Fake? [VIDEO+POLL]
Robbers Video Tape Themselves: Real Or Fake? [VIDEO+POLL]
I don't know where this video is from and I have no idea how to stick up a gas station. One thing I can say, thank you technology! Thank you for giving us a birds eye view of a 'robbery' in action. Speaking of this 'robbery':
Newscaster Starts Off His First Show, Swearing [VIDEO+POLL]
Newscaster Starts Off His First Show, Swearing [VIDEO+POLL]
Newscaster Starts Off His First Show, Swearing [VIDEO+POLL]
I remember when I first started in radio. I must have said to myself a million times: 'do not swear, whatever you do, do not swear'. I have to say, I think I may have dropped an S bomb, but that was years after I started. Funny how that works.
Which Is Better?
Which Is Better?
Which Is Better?
Castlevania vs. Metroid. The battle between these two highly successful franchises is finally going to be decided. Which one will come out on top?

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