president obama

NY Jets Safety May Have Scored a Touchdown for Military Athletes
NY Jets Safety May Have Scored a Touchdown for Military Athletes
NY Jets Safety May Have Scored a Touchdown for Military Athletes
For decades, student-athletes that were competing for the United States Military Academies had to complete their active duty military service time before they could pursue their professional athletic careers. Some famous ones over the past few decades have been NBA Hall of Famer David Robinson, former New York Giants wide receiver Phil McConkey as well as Dallas Cowboys legendary quarterback, Roger Staubach. McConkey spent 5 years as a Navy helicopter pilot before he put the shoulder pads back on. Well, a new New York Jets player may have helped change that situation.
Thanks Obama! (Video)
Thanks Obama! (Video)
Thanks Obama! (Video)
Today on The Free Beer & Hot Wings Morning Show they played some audio from the New England Patriots visit to the White House, Tom Brady was not there for some reason and I think I know why.
FBI: Letter to President Obama Tested Positive for Ricin
FBI: Letter to President Obama Tested Positive for Ricin
FBI: Letter to President Obama Tested Positive for Ricin
The White House just held a press conference in which they confirmed that a letter addressed to President Obama has tested positive for richin. There is no indication that this letter is connected to the bombings in Boston.
Presidential Beer History
Presidential Beer History
Presidential Beer History
In observance of President's Day we take a look back at how much those who have held the office of President appreciated beer. As a matter of fact, beer was considered safer than water when the Pilgrims arrived, and they landed where they did because they were running out of beer.
State of the Union Address
State of the Union Address
State of the Union Address
Riding the wave of his re-election, President Barack Obama  hit upon themes of the economy, energy, climate change and gun control in his State of the Union address delivered to a joint session of Congress.
 Day After The Super Bowl
Day After The Super Bowl
Day After The Super Bowl
The red-blooded Americans of Fantasy Football are true public servants. These dedicated football junkies hope fellow U.S. citizens will rally behind them and sign a petition at asking the Obama Administration to declare the Monday following Super Bowl Sunday a national holiday.
Woman Runs Down Husband – For Not Voting!
Woman Runs Down Husband – For Not Voting!
Woman Runs Down Husband – For Not Voting!
Let's face facts ladies, you can sometime over react to certain things in life and for that you drive us guys crazy. An Arizona woman ran down her husband with the family car for failing to vote in the presidential election. I think it's safe to say the marriage is over.
30 States File Secession Petitions – Are You Serious?
30 States File Secession Petitions – Are You Serious?
30 States File Secession Petitions – Are You Serious?
So last week was supposed be the end of all the BS from election right? We all know better then that. Residents in 30 states have filed Secession Petitions. I find this laughable on many levels. "We The People" voted to keep Obama in office and a week later comes people trying to secede from the Union?

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