
When You’re From the 518
When You’re From the 518
When You’re From the 518
It is now my turn to blog about things that only people from the Capital Region will know about because I am firm believer Nationalism. Surprise! Also, I am kind of the only one here that was actually born and raised in the 518.
Did You Ever Notice?
Did You Ever Notice?
Did You Ever Notice?
Last week Candace referenced 'Stranger Things' in one of her blogs and it reminded me of this question: Is it just me or does Matthew Modine in 'Stranger Things' look like Steve Caporizzo?
Worst Public Bathrooms in the Capital Region?
Worst Public Bathrooms in the Capital Region?
Worst Public Bathrooms in the Capital Region?
I am not completely qualified to determine where the worst public bathroom in the Capital Region is because I am afraid of them so I only go into the ones that I know but I still refuse to go number 2 because there is no place like home.
Worst Parking Lot in the Capital Region?
Worst Parking Lot in the Capital Region?
Worst Parking Lot in the Capital Region?
I am a parking snob who can not parallel park because I like places with good parking but some in the Capital Region have awful parking lots where I don't have to parallel park and it makes you think: "What were they thinking when they built this place?"
Where Are The Halloween Parties This Weekend?
Where Are The Halloween Parties This Weekend?
Where Are The Halloween Parties This Weekend?
I know of one Halloween Party this weekend and it is the one that any self-respecting Rock-A-Holic should be, at the Upstate Concert Hall on Saturday night to see Clutch and to find out who is going to be Q103's new Rock Girl.

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