In a world where people keep walking in on Candace when she is on the air, Dan America is the only one that can stop the madness before it's too late...
Last week Jake and Louie came to Townsquare Media for a interview with me. After learning that Jake and Louie had never been to a radio station before, I decided to give them a tour of the building.
Last week I posted a blog about San Diego residents angry about yoga lessons taking place in a public park, and that upsets me because I like yoga pants. So I made this video to support the Yogis in San Diego, this one is for the Yogis.
On Free Beer & Hot Wings they read lists, they comment on lists they read that other people wrote. I am Dan America and I make lists, here is a video of mine that is safe for work, about why I make lists. You're Welcome.
I don’t know who the Iron Potato is but you just earned your self a new fan. This video is hilarious. This video of an early tribe trying to deal with their population problem had me in about 20 seconds. This might not be the solution to all of the world’s problems but it sure solves your boredom for about 3 minutes.
I was told by the powers above that I am “Not To Do Any April Fools Jokes On Air”. But if I were to do some April fools jokes today, they’d go a little like this.
Funny or die has something special on their hands - they sat Leonard Maltin down with Mike Tyson to discuss who and what Tyson thinks will win. As expected Tyson mumbles and stumbles through his predictions while skipping down the path of oblivion. Some of the language is NSFW.