She thought she was Irish, turns out there's no trace of Irish ancestry in her AT ALL - and on top of that her dad is a different person than who she thought it was!
Source: TikTok
As much as we may like or dislike terms such as "new normal", there are many procedures that we simply have to accept as a way of life going forward. Some of these may be COVID-19 testing at concerts, hotels, and Albany International Airport.
Well, we're officially living in the future.
The folks at Delphi Automotive PLC have been working hard over the past years to get their self-driving car ready for the masses.
And if all goes according to plan over the next week and a half, they will be one step closer to that goal.
So the weekend is over and you’re still probably feeling pretty tough. Well I dare you to watch these squishy faced adorable baby animals and not turn into a giant bowl of mush. It can’t be done I promise you.
When rock bands name themselves, it seems they feel proper spelling and/or grammar is only for the radically uncool. Otherwise, we’d have Deaf Leopard, The Beetles, and Fish. And then what would we be?
According to this rock and pop spelling test from Penney Design, we’d be a bunch of red pen-wielding English teachers yelling at those long-haired kids to get off our lawns, that’s what...