All New York Thruway Toll Booths To Be Removed This YearAll New York Thruway Toll Booths To Be Removed This YearTollbooths on the Thruway have been a familiar sight for the last 66 years, but the days of seeing them are coming to an end.Steve KingSteve King
New Cashless Toll System Is Going Live On SaturdayNew Cashless Toll System Is Going Live On SaturdayNew York State Thruway Authority Operations Deputy Director Eric Christensen says that the entire system statewide will go active on Saturday with a flip of a switch.Steve KingSteve King
Drivers Without EZ Pass Will Pay Higher Tolls On The ThruwayDrivers Without EZ Pass Will Pay Higher Tolls On The ThruwayIf the Thruway Authority has their way those of us without an EZ Pass will pay 30% more in tolls.Steve KingSteve King