The Powerball is now at an all-time high 425 Million Dollars, a record for the game. If I can take that payout in cash, I would pocket $184,178,940 smackers. What are some things around here that I could buy with that kind of loot? Let's dream!
Remember the days before cell phone cameras? We had to load film and "rewind" our cameras once the film was used. Wait a week to see our blurry shots. With technology where it is today, we can take photos and upload them to social media sites in seconds from anywhere - even baseball games. The Valley Cats are getting on the technology band wagon for promotions with Social Media Monday
If you're lucky enough to have the day off tomorrow, or perhaps you have been stricken with a case of the Monday's, why not head out to the Joe and check out the Valley Cats take on the Auburn DoubleDays. The Cats will have a special start time for the Monday, August 1st game - 11:00 AM.