Alter Bridge Trip Announced
Be caller 13 at 476-1039 when you hear Santa falling down the chimney to reach inside Santa’s Magic Sack
and win a cd or concert tickets, and qualify for one of our 2 trips to either see Alter Bridge in NYC or Avenged Sevenfold in Baltimore Md.
Today at 5pm Q103 will be announcing the winner for a trip for 2 to see Alter Bridge at the Blender Theater in NYC with transportation from Amtrak and overnight accommodations on Dec. 20th.
Then, next Fri (Dec 17) Q103 will have a second grand prize for the trip to see Avenged Sevenfold at the 1st Mariner Arena in Baltimore with airfare and overnight accommodations on Jan 17th.
It all starts by hearing Santa falling down the chimney. Good luck and thanks for listening to Q103!
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