Hannah Gutenplan

See What Olympic Divers Look Like on the Toilet
You may have seen our photos showing what Olympic divers really look while diving. Don’t be fooled by the elegant turns and precise finish into the water — their faces really look insane! We’re guessing it’s a combination of intense concentration and gravity doing its work.
These pictures are hilarious on their own, but imagine our surprise when we saw our post Photoshopped on Reddit!

Best Photos of the Week – Betty White Meets Obama, Waterskiing Squirrel and More
This week we have some hilariousness, some adorableness and maybe a little too much corniness.If you’ve ever wanted to know what Zooey Deschanel and Rashida Jones looked like before the fame, you’ll love to see pics of them in their awkward stage. Check out Betty White at the White House, a too cute toddler and more pics below!

Whatever Happened to the Baby from Nirvana’s ‘Nevermind’ Album Cover?
Then: We all know the naked baby on the cover of Nirvana’s album ‘Nevermind’ reaching for a dollar bill at the end of a fishhook. The infant was the photographer’s friend’s son (wow, what a mouthful) and was only 3 months old when he was thrown in the pool for the photoshoot.
So whatever did happen to the Nirvana baby?