Phil Villarreal

Katy Perry To Have Virtual Sex With Millions Of People
Freshly back-on-the-market pop startlet Katy Perry is getting hot and heavy with ‘The Sims 3: Showtime,’ a new addition to the PC game that allows you to pursue your dreams of becoming a dancer, musician, magician and — maybe it’s just us, but we doubt it — Katy Perry’s virtual boy toy...

Do You Know How To Block a Punch?
The best ways to avoid getting your lights punched out are to run away or cower and beg for mercy, but sometimes physical confrontations are unavoidable.

‘Lookbook Cookbook’ Combines Gorgeous Women With Healthy Food
It’s remarkable how the presence of pictures of hot women can turn the most mundane activities into the scientific phenomenon known as “BOING!”

‘Assassin’s Creed Revelations’ — Game Review
‘Assassin’s Creed Revelations’ is a game for history buffs, lovers of 16th century Constantinople, conspiracy theorists and anyone who would like to shank Adrian Peterson and Derrick Rose in the streets of 16th century Constantinople.

‘Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3′ — Game Review
Even if ‘Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3’ was a terrible disappointment that also punched you in the groin every time you loaded the game, you’d have to buy it.