Capital Regions Hacksaw Jim Duggan Spent Thanksgiving In ICU
If you were a fan of the old WWF in what some would call their glory days, the days of Hogan, Andre, Savage, and Warrior. You most certainly had to be a fan of Hacksaw.
Hacksaw Jim Duggan donned a patriotic wrestling gimmick for the WWE in the late 1980s, a character that would go onto define the rest of his career. Hacksaw won numerous championships in the now-defunct World Championship Wrestling from the mid to late 1990s. These titles include the WCW United States and Television Titles to name a few. Hacksaw also is the winner of the first ever Royal Rumble in 1988.
Being loved by millions, he caused a lot of those millions to worry over the holiday break.
Duggan was admitted to the intensive care unit mid last week and sadly spent Thanksgiving there as well. At the moment, it seems he has been released according to his twitter. It also is very unclear why Hacksaw was admitted in the first place.
More from Fox News here including tweets from Hacksaw's family and Duggan himself.