Happy 4th of July from Dan America.
Happy 4th of July, here are some tips that you did not ask for to enhance your American holiday experience:
- Eat a Cheese Burger.
- Eat a Hot Dog and make sure that you put ketchup on it because ketchup is on the Hot Dog in my name.
- Slip and Slide.
- Register to Vote.
- Eat cereal and watch cartoons all morning.
- Write things on Post-it notes in Crayola Crayons.
- Eat only Hershey’s Chocolate, tell people eating foreign chocolate that their chocolate taste like dust.
- Listen to The Generation X Files on iTunes or Google Play Music.
- Listen to Q103 all day.
- Listen to ALT 105.7 all day.
- Boycott Tea and if you catch anyone drinking tea dump it out on them, not on them though.
- Declare your Independence from someone or something, why isn’t that a thing but everyone always has a New Years Resolution?
- Don’t talk about politics.
- Play Football and laugh at people playing Soccer.
- Fireworks of course, it would not be the 4th of July unless you blow something up but make sure you don’t blow off your fingers or shoot your eye out.
- Drink Beer.
- Noodle Salad.
Happy 4th of July, be safe.