Horrible Human Steals Upstate NY Veterans’ Bronze Headstone Plaques!
There are thieves and then there are thieves that cross a line into just disgusting humans. Someone thought they could get away with stealing thirteen bronze veteran plaques from the Sacred Heart Cemetery in Upstate New York.
What Was Stolen?
There are bronze plaques on gravestones in cemeteries all over the country that recognize veterans and display the war they fought in, what military branch they served, their rank, along with their birth and death dates. Each one costs four hundred dollars and then another one hundred fifty dollars to put onto the gravestone.
The Town Was Outraged!
The residents of Wellsville, New York were determined to catch the thief that stole these plaques. Before the arrest, veterans in town, civic groups, and families posted a $13,000 reward. Chris Martelle's grandfather's gravestone plaque was one of the ones stolen and he told the NY Post,
It is just disgusting that this has happened.
Chris' grandfather, Edward G. Curtis, Sr. served in the Army during World War II. Chris was a lance corporal in the United States Marine Corps.
An Arrest Has Been Made
Wellsville Police arrested 42-year-old Eric T. Logue and he was charged with cemetery desecration, drug possession, criminal mischief, and grand larceny. No reason was given for the theft but others think it was to use the bronze from the plaques for scrap metal to sell. Logue had been released on his own recognizance.
What Happens to the Blank Gravestones?
We do not know if police recovered the bronze veteran plaques but the town and the locals say they plan on replacing them if they are not found.
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