The X-Men superhero film series debuted 24 years ago this month. In the last 2 and a half decades there have been nearly a dozen X-Men films, not counting the Deadpool series. These films have generated over $6 billion in box office revenue!

It's one thing to read the comic books and watch the films, it's quite another thing to become part of the story itself. Airbnb is offering an incredible opportunity to stay at Xavier’s Institute for Higher Learning in Westchester County, New York!

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Stay at the X-Mansion and become part of the X-Men legacy right here in New York State. This Airbnb listing is part of their Icon Series of "extraordinary experiences hosted by the world’s greatest names in music, film, TV, art, sports, and more".

The X-Mansion is tucked away in a secluded part of Westchester County, New York and is equipped with a lot of room to spar, fly, and test out other mutant powers. Come hang in the 2D world and embrace your powers in the heart of New Castle, NY's serene landscape.

518 news, x-men, Aibnb, Westchester County New York, New Castle New York

This was the most X-ceptional, X-citing & absolutely X-hilarating X-perience that was X-ecuted absolutely X-quisitely! It was truly Uncanny how much it not just looked like, but felt like X-men '97! Everybody involved who made this happen & put this together from the background people, to the designers, the artists, the actors, our fellow mutants & Xavier Academy students & especially the amazing Chef & our X-mansion liaison Chris all worked so hard & went above & beyond to make us mutant outcasts feel at home & accepted at Xavier's Institute for Higher Learning! - Mario via Airbnb Review

Stay In This X-Men Inspired X-Mansion in New York

If you are a fan of the Marvel Comics X-Men superhero team, or the film series based on these out-of-this-world warriors, you have to check out this X-Men inspired Airbnb in Westchester, NY.

Gallery Credit: Karolyi

New York's Star Trek Original Set Tour 2024

Trekkies, this is your chance to see a museum quality recreation of the 1960s Star Trek original series sets in a studio setting. Explore the USS Enterprise, peek inside the sick bay and sit in the Captains chair. All of this on display at the Star Trek Original Series Set Tour in Ticonderoga, New York.

Gallery Credit: Karolyi

The New York House with a Violin Shaped Pool

Bedford Corners, New York

Gallery Credit: Karolyi

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