Rock Girl Tatiana brings Free Seether tickets to East Greenbush!
Another week, another WorkDay Distraction! This week, I got the chance to head to East Greenbush to deliver tickets to this week's winner, Kerri!!! Q103 received an amazing nomination for Kerri, talking about not just her love of rock but also about how hard she works, and how she's introduced her coworkers to rock music. I got the chance to hang out with Kerri and a few of her coworkers when I stopped in to crash her WorkDay, and we had some laughs and I got to see just how hard everyone in her office location works.
Each week, we choose a winner who's work day I get to crash to deliver tickets, so don't forgot to nominate yourself or your hard working coworkers! Just fill out the form here: WorkDay Distraction Nomination Form
This coming week, I've got a pair of Ghost tickets! They're coming to the Palace Theatre on June 6th, so don't miss your chance to win some tickets and see them live FOR free!