Shake Santa’s Sack For Awesome Prizes
Yes, you heard that right. We want you to shake Santa's Sack and whatever drops out is yours. Keep if for yourself or re-gift it as a great stocking stuffer...we won't tell.
Weekdays at 7:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. you will hear the cue to call. Call in at (518) 476-1057 and see what falls out of Santa's Sack.
So, I know you're wondering what you can win. Well we all know Santa's not handing out junk.—these are great prizes.
For example, Cheap Trick tickets, Almost Queen tickets, Metallica Swag, Van Halen 13 Singles Vinyl Box, ZOSO tickets, Tons of New York Lottery Winner Green tickets, restaurant gift cards and so much more!
Shake Santa's Sack starts Monday, December 9 at 7:30 a.m. during Free Beer and Hot Wings.