It's official, Craigslist is your one stop shop for all things sex, and free. Seriously! Yesterday we had a 'large breasted lady with a cute smile' looking for a strangers love stick. Today? Free animals.
Times are tough these days. Tough on the pocketbook. Tough in general. Times are also tough with regards to large breasted ladies practicing procreation. To be honest, I still don't understand why ladies have to resort to Craigslist Casual Encounters to find some 'D' because, I mean think about it, all they really need to do is ask us dudes and we'll gladly service their desires. :-)
Not that everyone knows what happens when a pregnant lady goes looking to fill that void in her belly via 'cravings' so let me help you understand. Well, hold on. Let me also preface this with: 'when a pregnant lady starts to crave' expect to be ran around like a taxi cab driver with a passenger looking for crack rock. They go crazy! I've been there, it's nuts.