Good News: The world is going to be safe from any possible Alien Invasion as long as I am on the job.
Bad News: If I do not get the job I will lead the Alien Invasion.
This weeks Good News Bad News is all about what is going on in the world, Good News: Most of it is silly and no Unicorns were harmed. Bad News: My feelings were harmed.
2016 has not been a happy year for a lot of people unless you're a Trump supporter, there've been many depressing stories and many celebrity deaths that made a lot of people very sad, but there were some good stories to come out of 2016.
Today is the first day of Fall so I decided it would be a good idea to figure out what I am going to be for Halloween, I am going to wear one of my Halloween costumes from the 80's and go as a Reboot.
What I have learned from the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio is that not only is it OK to look at all the female athletes and their butts, but I think that it's what they want me to do.
My birthday is this Saturday, I'm going to be old and I can't really afford to do anything, so where are the best places to get free stuff or services on your birthday?
I love the Olympics for two reasons: One reason is that it is proof that human beings love games and I find it inspiring that we still celebrate an ancient Greek tradition because it proves that the Greeks were good for something.
On August 24 2011, Q103 told you who the hottest news anchor in Albany was. Now, in June of 2016, I am reopening the case. This time I am asking you—who is the Capital Region's hottest news lady?
Saint Patrick's Day is long gone, the drinking has stopped for most of us and we are over our hangovers, all that we have now are memories like this video, that has the feel of a Woody Allen movie.
Shamus McQ arrived at the station after 11 a...