
Digital Guy Jay Wears Pink, Like Most Chicks [PHOTO+POLL]
Digital Guy Jay Wears Pink, Like Most Chicks [PHOTO+POLL]
Digital Guy Jay Wears Pink, Like Most Chicks [PHOTO+POLL]
So I walk into the office this morning and run smack dab into our Promotions B^#@ch. She's wearing a lovely pink long sleeve paper thin shirt thing with a nice pair of blue jeans. After gaining my composure, cause come on, she's a very attractive woman I start telling her about an event I did over the weekend and how a certain live on location dude reigned supreme. Stay with me here.
Bret Michaels Introduces His Own PetSmart Line [VIDEO]
Bret Michaels Introduces His Own PetSmart Line [VIDEO]
Bret Michaels Introduces His Own PetSmart Line [VIDEO]
I love PetSmart. There's one right near my house and my dog and I love to walk over and browse through the store. They have the cutest stuff for pets and it's fun to see the dogs interact. Poison front man Bret Michaels has partnered with the store to launch his own line of pet products which he appropriately named "Pets Rock," which they do. Watch his announcement video below.
Why Does New England Patriots Head Coach Bill Belichick Wear A Hoodie?
Why Does New England Patriots Head Coach Bill Belichick Wear A Hoodie?
Why Does New England Patriots Head Coach Bill Belichick Wear A Hoodie?
New England Patriots Head Coach Bill Belichick is a no nonsense and fascinating guy.  He has dull press conferences, doesn't get excited or joke and on the outside is all business.  He doesn't care what people think or think about him. The one thing Bill does know is how to win and wears the most popular NFL sideline clothing apparel, his signature grey hoodie.

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