Bethlehem’s CoverBoy In Hot Water After StatementBethlehem’s CoverBoy In Hot Water After StatementIt was quite the success story when Bethlehem's James Charles was the first ever male to be on the cover of Covergirl. Now this happened.VinnieVinnie
First COVERBoy, Bethlehem High School’s James Charles, Appears on ‘Ellen’First COVERBoy, Bethlehem High School’s James Charles, Appears on ‘Ellen’Remember when we announced that the world's first male COVERGIRL James Charles, a 17 year old Bethlehem Central High School student, was one of our own? Well, yesterday he got to share his story on the 'Ellen' show! Check it out.CandaceCandace
Bethlehem Central H.S. Student Becomes CoverGirl’s First CoverBOYBethlehem Central H.S. Student Becomes CoverGirl’s First CoverBOYOne of the Capital Regions own is making history as COVERGIRL's first ever COVERBOY.CandaceCandace