Remember hearing 'you smelled it you dealt it' as a kid? These two adorable little girls argue over who farted. I think it was the one on the left. She looks guilty.
There are three things bible campers are good at, boondoggle, fart spray pranks and feeling guilty. According to a story from the daily mail 6 teenagers had to be sent to the hospital when a prank went a tad bit wrong. One camper had a bottle of “Liquid Ass” and sprayed it into the air-condition unites of two of the cabins...
At first, we thought this was an outtake from 'The Hobbit' but sadly it's something EVEN dumber. Watch 1) a guy breathe fire while 2) another guy possibly tries to simultaneously fart in the middle of the trick and 3) the world become a sadder place all with one 24-second video...
If you have been scouring the internet looking for the most inappropriate gift you can give someone, you’re in luck: the Flatulence Deodorizer is here.
People can do the simplest things and if you don’t like them, then it will drive you nuts! I believe this guy handles a farting dispute like a gentlemen…. From the 1800s.
According to some newly released medical documents, record shows that Adolf Hitler had a bit of a drug problem. has reported that the Nazi dictator and caterpillar mustache enthusiast, Adolf Hitler regularly used cocaine. This news is not surprising; everyone knows it’s exhausting to perform mass genocide with out the proper “pick me up”...
Hot on the heels of her recent wardrobe malfunction, TMZ now has video of Nancy Grace (allegedly) breaking wind while being interviewed on Monday night’s gassing, uh, we mean, ‘Dancing with the Stars.’
When you go to the dentist I am willing to bet most of you aren't expecting him to pass gas while he's cleaning your teeth. That's just the surface of this crazy dentists problems.