
The Trayvon Martin Case Or Star Wars?
The Trayvon Martin Case Or Star Wars?
The Trayvon Martin Case Or Star Wars?
I really hope I’m not the only person who immediately made this connection but I understand the chances are pretty good that I am. I walked into the break room today to see a stack of Metrolands sitting on the table. As soon as I glanced at the cover photo I automatically thought “oh man they have the scoop on the new star wars film...
Anti Virus Pioneer John McAfee Wanted for Murder – Tech Tuesday
Anti Virus Pioneer John McAfee Wanted for Murder – Tech Tuesday
Anti Virus Pioneer John McAfee Wanted for Murder – Tech Tuesday
It's not often that the geek world sees a scandal like this. Usually it's patent trolls and lawsuits. This time, it's a full murder mystery. John McAfee, who developed the antivirus software company of the same name, is wanted for murder in the Central American country of Belize.

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