
Eric Zane’s Encounter With A Giant Turtle [VIDEO]
Eric Zane’s Encounter With A Giant Turtle [VIDEO]
Eric Zane’s Encounter With A Giant Turtle [VIDEO]
Eric Zane of the Free Beer & Hot Wings Show has been called many things.  Jerk, immature, selfish, douche bag, humanitarian?  Yes, despite his childish ways turns out Eric Zane has a very soft interior.  While on a bike ride he happened upon a big turtle in the road.  He stopped traffic to help it across the road, and decided to get video of it to prove just how big it was.
Hippo Shows You Something You Never Want To Witness At The Zoo [VIDEO]
Hippo Shows You Something You Never Want To Witness At The Zoo [VIDEO]
Hippo Shows You Something You Never Want To Witness At The Zoo [VIDEO]
Nature is a wonderful thing.  A wonderful horrible thing.  This is a video that is making the rounds right now on the old internet and it's something that you never want to see happen at the zoo.  Imagine you are standing around watching the hippo in all it's glory.  Now remember it's nature and it's highly unpredictable so get ready to see something natural, yet awful.
Whale Almost Swallows Surfer [VIDEO]
Whale Almost Swallows Surfer [VIDEO]
Whale Almost Swallows Surfer [VIDEO]
A surfer in California almost became a real life Pinocchio when a humpback whale came out of the water and nearly swallowed both her and the people next to her on a kayak.  Apparently this area has been having issues with the whales feeding on anchovies very close to shore, but this is the closest that a person has come to being whale food.  Experts add that when they are feeding like this they ar