
‘A Quiet Place’ Sequel Filming in Upstate New York
‘A Quiet Place’ Sequel Filming in Upstate New York
‘A Quiet Place’ Sequel Filming in Upstate New York
The sequel to the thriller "A Quiet Place" will be filming in Upstate New York pretty soon. According to, stars John Krasinski and Emily Blunt will be back in upstate New York this summer to film the sequel to the hit movie...
You Can Meet Karl Urban & Tour The Star Trek Set This Month in NY
You Can Meet Karl Urban & Tour The Star Trek Set This Month in NY
You Can Meet Karl Urban & Tour The Star Trek Set This Month in NY
This month, you've got a chance to tour the set of Star Trek and meet Karl Urban right in Ticonderoga. I caught this bit of news on and thought it was too cool not to share.  As a huge fan of Star Trek (the show and the movies), I've previously followed the news of the Star Trek set being built in a museum in Ticonderoga, NY...