An audit by the New York Comptroller's Office showed some disturbing findings. Thousands (and by thousands I mean $60,000) was spent by Medicaid on Viagra for registered sex offenders.
WLNY posted that the audit showed what is being called a "blatant misuse" of taxpayer money...
Talk about a good time gone wrong. According to experts, sex robots can run the risk of being hacked and even committing murder. Also- this is a thing?
I saw an article on Newsweek talking about this specific thing. Apparently, the danger isn't even just with full-fledged sex robots...
As reported by the Daily News, television actress Allison Mack has been arrested for having a main role with the NXIVM sex cult, based out of the Capital Region. Allison Mack is best known for her main role in the show "Smallville" over ten years, and her role on the show "Wilfred...
Think that your relationship is a little bit weird? Not feeling normal? Well, you're probably the most normal couple in the world after hearing about this situation.