he wild Alaskan takes all the joys of a regular strip club and pairs it with the thrill of knowing that you're trapped on a boat floating on a icy ocean.
This story is all sorts of pathetic.
Everyone knows that guy that goes to the strip club a little too much. Robert Wallace, a 32-year-old from Houston, is that guy.
He was a regular at a strip club called Treasures, and a big fan of a stripper named Nomi.
This is where the stories start to differ a bit, KRIV-TV Fox 26 reports.
I almost found myself smack dab in the middle of this same situation in Richmond, Virginia. I don't know what the cause of this massive stripper fight was but I can tell you I am super happy I was not involved.
If there's anything more adorable than a kitten being saved from a tree, it’s a stripper being rescued from behind the lockers of the stripper dressing room. This is truly an inspiring story for all young girls everywhere.
This Autoerotique Asphyxiation music video might be the one good thing Dub Step has ever given the world. I’m not positive what on earth is going on in the video but one thing is for sure, there are hot almost naked chicks getting balls whipped at them. Oh ...
So last week, a coworker of mine shared a link to a relationship advice column. Some chick wrote in, plum tuckered out from trying to figure out what to do about a recent “incident” with her husband. She said prior to “the incident,” she'd trusted her husband “because she was pregnant,” which is just so ridiculous I'm not even sure where to begin, but we'll leave that for another day. Now, because
It’s a fairly known fact that strippers make more money when Republicans are in town. In Tampa – the strip club capital of the US – one strip club hopes to break through the clutter with an offer that is sure to get those GOP members attending the RNC in late August to spend dead presidents – a Sarah Palin look-alike.