New York State ranks the highest in tick-borne illnesses throughout the country. With this new data, it is important to protect yourselves, your pets, and your family. Here's how.
There is a super scary warning from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention regarding ticks and a newly discovered disease that is potentially lethal. Here is what is doing to people in New York State.
There are a lot of tick repellents on the market for both you and your pets, but sometimes you want to use something natural or something without chemicals. So, here are a few home remedies you can use to repel ticks.
Did you know that when you find a tick on your dog or on yourself you can send that tick to a lab and have it tested for Lyme Disease? Best of all it's absolutely free.
Ticks ticks ticks. They're everywhere. And they seem to be getting worse each season. But a new warning was recently issued about ticks, and it's not for humans.
CBS 6 Albany reported about a Burnt Hills Veterinarian recently finding about 60 ticks on a barn cat...