The Office Proposal Is Great TV Moment
Everybody's favorite boss, Michael Scott, took the plunge in the only way we could expect him to; in hilarious heart warming fashion.
I know that a lot of people have stopped watching NBC's The Office and many more will stop once Steve Carell leaves after this season but I am here to tell you that it is still great to watch. This weeks episode was particularly good, I guess outstanding would be the better word.
A few seasons ago Michael Scott's arch enemy, HR guy Toby, left to go to Costa Rica. That is when both us the audience and him were introduced to Toby's temporary replacement Holly. We all fell in love with her, Michael included. It was only heart breaking when the two of them split when Dunder Mifflin transferred Holly to New Hampshire. I knew that it wouldn't be long before the two of them got back together. They were both terrible at telling jokes, very awkward when around others and yet so perfect for each other. So when Holly came back into the picture and had a new boyfriend I was with the many cheering for them to break up.
So the break up finally came and the two of them got back together. Tonight was the big moment. Michael was going to propose. In true Michael Scott fashion he went through a string of unsafe ridiculous ideas only to come up with one of the most moving proposals I think TV has seen. He takes Holly through the office to all the spots where they first fell in love and then around a candle lit desk surrounded by the office staff, he pops the question. What a perfect moment. It wouldn't be The Office if it were that un-flawed. The candles tripped the fire alarm as Michael asks the question, but in what would be disaster to most turns into such a memorable television moment. Needless to say, Holly says yes. That is when Michael breaks the news to everyone amongst the congratulations that he and Holly are moving to Colorado.
So this really is the end for Steve Carell's epic run on the show that made him larger than life. I was reading the other day that he has already filmed his last episode and it was a very somber moment. So what will The Office have in store without Carell? It is rumored that Will Ferrell could be joining the cast, but nothing confirmed as of yet. Will I be watching next season? Maybe, but we will have to see how this season wraps up.
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