The Undertaker’s Wrestlemania Loss Cost One Dude $58,000
After wrestlemania 30 not only we’re millions of people around the world shocked but Pools on twitter was out over $58,000.
Betting on professional wrestling is just as silly as beating on any sport. Basically you put a bunch of money in the deciding hands of a bunch of strangers. This may be sports entertainment but if Wrestlemania has proven anything it’s that it is as unpredictable as anything else.
The undertaker's loss was a shock and it felt great. Watching wrestling is a lot like going to an S&M club. Sometimes you need to accept a little pain to help yourself feel alive again. Watching that referee count to 3 made everyone feel some sort of unexpected emotion. Also watching that referee count to 3 made @Pools19 feel a whole middle class American’s salary lighter.
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