Troy Woman to Appear on Wheel of Fortune
Looks like there's another contestant from the Capital Region headed to Wheel of Fortune!
Melissa Grega of Troy will be on the episode of Wheel of Fortune airing on Monday, according to the Times Union. Next week is the “Let’s Eat!” week of the game so the Wheelmobile and Oscar Mayer Wienermobile will be making various appearances throughout the week.
Apparently, Grega has always been a fan of the show and always wanted to be on it. She's been watching at home for nearly 20 years so when the wheelmobile came to Saratoga, she took it as a sign that she should audition.
Grega is a hairdresser in Rensselaer county, married and has two children. In her free time, she likes to golf, hang out on the lake, and spend time with her grandson. We have no idea how she does in the upcoming game, guess we'll just have to watch, root for her, and wait to see what (if anything) she takes home! She already knows that whatever money she comes home with, she's spending it on travel.