Was Neo Not The One In The Matrix?
I actually had a Keanu Reeves 'Whoa' moment.
The Matrix Trilogy happened. The First movie was awesome, the second movie was ok, the third movie was confusing. If they just stopped at the first movie, everything might have been better, but then we would have never known the truth. Neo was never the one.
Film Theory has put together a pretty compelling argument that Neo was never the one. In fact he was being used to force the actual one into doing something. Who was the one? Agent Smith. I know, you hate that.
Seriously though, I think this guy is on to something. He cites a lot of stuff from the movie to back up his claim, and I don't feel like he's really stretching here. It might actually be that the movie's actual plot was so confusing, that it took about 10 years for someone to figure it out. Makes me wonder if the Wachowskis kind of planed it this way, so that super fans would have to dig deep to find the truth.
Check out the video evidence and decide for yourself. Who am I kidding, you only have the illusion on choice.
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