Are There Millennials Across the Pond?
On the latest episode of The Generation X Files, Tatiana and I travel across the Atlantic Ocean in search of Millennials! Not really but we did have a very special guest join us via the internet.
Dani Said joins us from Cardiff in the United Kingdom to answer our questions in regards to the existence of a Millennial presence or influence in the United Kingdom. What we learned from Dani made Tatiana and I very upset because in the United Kingdom they still play music videos on a music video channel!
They also have better breakfasts then us.
I have never had a traditional English Breakfast and I don’t think I want one in America because it can’t possibly be the same.
Tatiana and I discuss American Millennial trends with Dani, what we discover is that perhaps we should be embarrassed to be American’s but that is not very Dan America like, so I suppose O should be proud that American’s make idiots rich and famous while chewing on Tide Pods, they don’t do that in the United Kingdom, yup only in America and I hope that it makes every other country in the world jealous!
But seriously don’t chew on Tide Pods and instead of making idiots rich and famous, make Tatiana and I rich and famous and listen to The Generation X Files.
Coming Soon:
Mixtape X (With Candace!)