Joanie “Chyna” Laurer Dies at Age 45
Professional wrestler, actress, bodybuilder and reality television star Joanie Laurer from Rochester NY, better known as Chyna, passed away Wednesday afternoon at her home in Redondo Beach, CA.
Say what you want about Chyna, but most of you will never have to endure the emotional and physical pain she experienced throughout her life. I always liked Chyna when she was in the WWE; I did not just root for her because of the groundbreaking role she played (she will probably be the only female Intercontinental Champion) -- I rooted for her because it looked like she was having so much fun doing it. I liked to see her smile when the fans cheered for her as she came out from behind the curtain, because she was the most unlikely fan favorite and yet there she was, having the time of her life.
Some people are probably going to remind you of her latter years, but instead of listening to them, why don't you listen to Chyna herself.
I hope that the WWE will finally put her in the WWE Hall of Fame.
Rest in Peace Chyna.
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