Conan Teaches Staffer How To Drive
Kevin Hart and Ice Cube provided support as well.
There comes a time in every American's life when they realize, in order to properly be American, you have to learn how to drive. It's pretty much our only right of passage into adulthood. You now have real responsibility. You now have access to a death machine with the ability to kill. You also need to not run out of fuel for your death machine. So much to think about.
I'm pretty sure you should never tell Conan you're going to do anything. If you do, it seems like he will immediately insert himself into the situation. Actually that's a pretty strong argument to tell him everything you're going to do.
Conan wanted to let his student know what it was like to drive with passengers, so they picked up Kevin Hart and Ice Cube for the ride. They decided to find a dispensary and get some Popeyes as well after hot boxing the car. Oh and one of the real gems here is Kevin Hart talking to a police officer.