In a recent post online it revealed that people who have moved to Upstate New York from other areas love it here while longtime residents seem to hate it. Is this true?

How long do you have to spend in a place to take it for granted? For some they could live their whole life in one spot and love it. For others they live there so long that they grow to hate it and do nothing but complain.

On the other hand, sometimes moving to a new place is just what the doctor ordered. Seeing and discovering new things can be exciting, especially if those things aren't available where you used to live.

There's a thread on reddit that a visitor to the Capital Region posted about an observation they made while visiting some family. Their conclusion is that people who moved here from other parts of the state like Buffalo or New York City were in love with the Capital Region and that people that have lived here for a long time don't seem to like it.

I noticed going out when I run into other transplants mainly those from the NYC area and the Buffalo area all of them seem to like Albany and the Capital Region. However, the locals from the area seem to universal hate it. Which surprises me.


I am going to have to agree with this statement. People who have lived in and around the Capital Region seem to dislike it and complain about it a lot. However I don't think this is different than someone who lives anywhere for a long period of time. Sometimes things start to annoy you. Hopefully Albany and the surrounding areas are on a upswing that may change their minds.

This was one of the comments on that thread, and I thought it made a lot of sense.

As a transplant who's been in Albany almost 15 years, I couldn't agree more. There is so much to do here, so much variety, yet the people from here think there is zero to do. Like, what do they even want? There are tons of restaurants (and tons of restaurants from many cultures), farmers markets, music events, cultural events, groups for most anything, classes (college, and community), day trips (NYC, Vermont, Massachusetts, NJ, etc.), malls and other shopping centers, sports, parks and state parks, and much more. Such a variety. Also, this area has jobs. I hear so many people saying the job market is dead up here, but I came from 2hrs away, and that place is truly dead.

It is so easy to look at the glass half empty. The most challenging thing you can do is look at the glass half full and be satisfied with what you have. I think many of us, myself included, could look at our area in a more favorable way.

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